All the tools your school needs in one spot

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Why use memberplanet?

  • Online Membership

    Collect one-time or recurring payments for PTA membership. New members can pay for membership dues, purchase spirit wear, and make additional donations at the time they join.
  • SMS Text Messages & Email Blasts

    Reach parents in seconds with a SMS text message or email using our Broadcast feature! Emails send in a clean, professional template with your school logo. From either your desktop or on the go on the MP mobile app, you can send a Broadcast in seconds anytime, anywhere.
  • Membership Cards

    Unit leaders and members now have the ability to print out PTA membership cards and to view their cards through the MP mobile app. At both the state and local level, this feature will cut significantly the administrative burden of managing the cards and the associated printing costs. Parents will enjoy the convenience of being able to print their card directly, and of always having the electronic version with them on their phone.
  • Events & RSVPs

    Boost parent participation at your next event with easy-to-create Event Sites. Send email invitations to parents, sell tickets, collect RSVP responses, and more. Customize your page with photos, videos, and other interactive features.
  • Branded Mobile App

    Connect with your PTA members on-the-go with a streamlined PTA mobile app. Members can view all communication, events, photos, and forms; they can even make payments or donations through the app. Leaders have the additional ability to collect mobile payments and donations and send out communication Broadcasts.
  • Document Storage

    Email out documents, maintain a document repository, and manage member documents. MP has partnered with for every unit and the state to receive a free donated account of 100GB of document storage. Instead of one person having all documents and files on her/his home computer, or passing a binder stuffed with old papers down to new officers, administrators can store, collaborate on, update, and transfer all documents from one secure location.
  • Fundraising & Donations

    Get donors excited and start collecting donations immediately with an interactive Donation Site. Features include recurring donations, giving levels, photos and videos, donor tickers, fundraiser pages, and goal meters.
  • Email Newsletters

    Send professional, branded PTA email Newsletters with a creative PTA template. Add button links, merge form fields, and view email tracking in real-time.
  • Online Forms

    Flexible online Payment Forms are perfect for any type of payment item like spirit store, yearbook, or field trip. Online Surveys let you capture member feedback and track volunteer signups.
  • Back-to-School Registration

    Streamline 100% of back-to-school forms into a virtual "packet". Merge spirit wear, contact information, and volunteer signups seamlessly. Collaborate with various groups like Booster Club or ASB without co-mingling funds or secure information.

More Features & Unique memberplanet Advantages

  • Member Database

    Search & sort members, log admin notes, view activity history & customize member profile fields. Profile update emails make it easy to maintain current data.
  • Photo Albums

    Share high-resolution photos securely and easily online. Members can upload their personal photos directly to the shared album via email.
  • Recurring Payments

    Accept and manage recurring payments and donations with ease. Parents will also be able to log on to view past payments and manage their recurring payment schedule easily from home.
  • Real-time Reporting

    Get up-to-the-minute updates from your online payment reports, RSVPs, and email tracking. Set automated email alerts for the items you care about most.
  • Spirit Wear & Merchandise Forms

    Sell t-shirts, mugs, and other school spirit items with custom, branded online forms.
  • Distribution lists

    Send emails or text messages to all members, selected members, or a distribution list. View recipient stats in real time from the reporting page.
  • Group Sites

    Your group site replaces the function of a basic website without the hassle of HTML. The clean design makes your PTA look professional from the start. Members are able to view communication, events, photos, and payment history, as well as update their profile, make a donation, and fill out forms.

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