Vista Grande Elementary PTA 2019 - 2020

Welcome to Vista Grande Elementary, home of the Voyagers!

The Vista Grande PTA executive board is very excited to bring many events and programs to our school this year. This cannot be done without your generous donation and PTA membership so we thank you in advance for joining the VG PTA! (As a courtesy to our members, VG PTA will pay the processing fees for online payments by credit card or bank transfer.) 

Our PTA will host our Parent Social with refreshments starting at 8am on the morning of the first day of school (Wednesday, August 28, 2019) in the MPR. You are cordially invited and we hope to see you there!

Our PTA will have information about Art at Your Fingertips projects (including Docent/Helping Hand signups), school spirit clothing orders (Spirit Wear), Room Parent sign-ups, Garden Volunteer sign-ups, and more information about programs/events for the upcoming school year.

During the social, the MPR will also be the place where you will submit an Emergency Card (printed from the PVPUSD Aeries portal) as required by the school and school district.

Finally, if you are thinking about purchasing school supplies, please note that AmazonSmile donates a portion of your online purchases back to the Vista Grande PTA, but only if you designate Vista Grande in Rancho Palos Verdes, as your charity of choice and shop at
Thank you and see you at school!
Julie Deary
Vista Grande PTA President

For questions regarding this registration packet, you may email:


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