LoMo Spring 2019 Flea Market Vendor Registration

Thank you for registering as a vendor at the LoMo Flea Market. This is a two-page registration form - both pages must be filled out for your registration to be processed. 

Page 1. LoMo Spring 2019 Flea Market Vendor Registration: This page includes details about the flea market and is where you will submit your name, number of spaces requested, etc.

Page 2. Review and Submit: This is where you will review your information and choose your payment option.

If you have any questions about the flea market or issues with the registration process, please email lomophilly@gmail.com or call 267-544-9597.

Please click on the blue REGISTER HERE button on the right (or below, if you're on your phone) to get started.

See you at the flea!

LoMo Civic Association


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