Cedar Heights Business Donation and Sponsorship Packet

Welcome to our campaign page - we value your support!
There are a number of ways to support Cedar Heights Middle School PTSA and many ways we may use your generous gift.

Any donation amount on a gift card. Gift cards given to the Cedar Heights PTSA could be used in a variety of ways. We use gift cards as door prizes at General Membership meetings to encourage attendace. We also may use them aa a prize for our "top sellers" in our fundraising sells. Gift cards may also be used to purchase snacks and drinks to sell at our concessions to add to the general fund. 

Merchandise donations. The PTSA may use these donations to sell or raffle off to fund the PTSA. For example, a gift of snacks or drinks may be sold at a concession stand or given to teachers/students for free at events. Or we may add the merchandise to a raffle basket or even use the merchandise for its original purpose. 

 As they say, CASH IS KING. Your generous donation, no matter how large or small, is greatly appreciated. A cash donation helps to fund the PTSA and the events it holds for the teachers and students of Cedar Heights Middle School.

With any donation, your business name/logo will be coninually hanging in our display case in the front entrance of to Cedar Heights Middle School. The PTSA will also recognize all sponors, in any form (cash, gift card, merchangise donation), whenever we have a table out at an event. We want the staff, students, parents, and community members to know who supports the PTSA at Cedar Heights. 

Thank you for helping our staff and students be the best they can be.

~Cedar Heights Middle School PTSA
  Questions/more information, email: Cedar.Heights.PTSA@gmail.com 


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Donation & Sponsorship Packet