Class of 2023

Thank-you for donating to the Class of 2023. Why is class fundraising necessary?  
Each class is responsible for raising money to help to pay for their senior end-of-year activities: Prom, Senior Luncheon, Spree Graduation Party (a PTSA sponsored all-night post-graduation activity in a safe and supervised environment)

The monies raised help to REDUCE the cost of the events for all students, as well as provide scholarships so that anyone who wants to attend has the opportunity to do so.  

Fundraising also helps provide scholarships for students who otherwise wouldn't be able to take part in senior class events.  For the senior luncheon, the cost is reduced for all students and ALL graduating seniors are able to attend with the support of scholarship funds for those in need.

*Join our FACEBOOK page to find out more!  Search “Roosevelt High School (Seattle) Class of 2023” or go to

**Sign up for our email contact list


This campaign has ended

