A campaign by Miles for Maddie

Miles For Maddie

Miles for Maddie 
Hello! My name is Mollie and my older sister Maddie, 24, is clincially diagonsed with Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous Syndrome (CFC). CFC is a rare genetic condition that affects the heart, skin, and facial features. There are roughly 300-500 people worldwide with this condition.

On May 3, 2014 I will be participating in my first half-marathon in Columbus, OH. When I first decided on the idea to run the half marathon, I wondered how I was going to stay motivated to keep training. After attending the bi-annual CFC Conference this summer in Orlando, FL, I decided I was going to use my half-marathon as a fundraiser. My goal is to raise $600 that will all go to CFC International to be used for research.

For more information about CFC syndrome go to the link: cfcsyndrome.org  

This campaign has ended


Goal achieved, but keep on going!
