A campaign by Herndon Sports Boosters

Herndon High School - Elevate the Nest

Help Elevate the Nest! 
Team Benches, Speakers, Fencing, and a NEW Scoreboard!  

Renovations upgraded so many of Herndon's facilities, but now our stadium needs some love.  The stadium is desperately in need of new speakers, new team benches, a new fence - with gates in places that make more sense - and ultimately a new scoreboard!  

What will it cost?  Here are estimates: 

Team Benches: $12,000
Fence/Gates: $35,000
Speakers/Sound System: $60,000
Scoreboard: $200,000

Total estimate: $307,000

The first question everyone asks is where is the county funding for any/all of this. The short answer is there is none. The scoreboard is slated to be replaced by the county in 2032. No one wants to wait that long, nor would anyone want the basic-level scoreboard that would be installed. We are aiming for a digital scoreboard that is reliable and can display advertisements (to help fund maintenance and additional items for our athletes).   

Sports Boosters has started the fund with $25,000 raised so far this year.  We need your help to get to $307,000. Every dollar counts! 

Sponsorship and advertising options are available, so if you or anyone you know are interested, please reach out to HHSsportsbooster.president@gmail.com
Let's make it happen! 

Go Hornets!


Raised so far of $307,000.00 goal
