Antique Doorknob Collectors of America

960 members | Montclair, New Jersey, US

Have you ever noticed the doorknob that you grasp and turn to enter a historic home or building?  They generally are not plain round knobs or levers like you would now buy at a home improvement center.  They are most often little pieces of sculpture cast in bronze, brass, copper, iron, steel, glass or ceramic, usually with similarly ornate doorplates and other related hardware.  Have you ever wondered about the artist and story behind those little works of art?

If you have, then joining the Antique Doorknob Collectors of America may be for you.  We have a few hundred active members who collect not only doorknobs , but also other types of hardware and collectibles.  Some members operate businesses to buy/sell/trade hardware, while other just collect.  We maintain a website containing photos and information more than 2,800 doorknobs and the related hardware,  We publish a bi-monthly newsletter full of interesting articles about hardware pieces, the companies that created the hardware, and the stories behind many designs.  We host an annual members convention where collections are displayed and traded for other hardware or money.  Great friendships and contacts are made, and lots of advice and information is shared.

A Basic Membership is only $30 per year, which is a small price to pay if you are interested in antique hardware. 

Please become a new ADCA member by clicking Join our Group at the top right corner of this page.

For current members, click HERE to login to the Membership website to pay dues, access membership directory, register for the ADCA convention, etc.