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News - 26 July 2022

News updates from AMC - see below

RASA responds to ACMA's public news release about QRM Guru

In a recent ACMA Update (20th July) the ACMA deny any official support for QRM Guru.  We are genuinely confused by this announcement.  It is our firm understanding that our announcement represented our in good faith discussions with ACMA.  ACMA’s acknowledgement that QRM Guru would add value to the amateur radio sector and their own compliance operations team was unambiguous.  They were also extremely supportive of our plans to promote QRM Guru with the WIA and rollout a national education campaign.

You can read more here

In the first quarter of 2022 the ACMA evaluated the free online Interference Management resource QRM Guru. 

Their evaluation findings were that QRM Guru is a “useful tool for self-diagnosis and management of interference by Amateurs (informing) any request for assistance by the ACMA and is open to all members of the amateur community to use.” 

This well-qualified statement supporting QRM Guru reinforces what RASA and the WIA have already recommended as the way forward for interference management.  

In the ACMA Licensing Review Consultation Paper the WIA recommended “that there is demand for an amateur community-wide information campaign on how to manage interference issues. The WIA suggested (to the ACMA) that self-education programs should be expanded and that regionalised self-help support groups should be established to help amateurs find technical assistance to resolve these problems. The WIA advised that it was prepared to provide more avenues for support in this area.”

WIA President Scott Williams VK3KJ cemented this support when he awarded QRM Guru author, Ian Jackson VK3BUF the WIA Technical Excellence Award for 2022.  

So, what’s next for QRM Guru?

Now that ACMA have provided positive feedback about QRM Guru the team want to strengthen the underlying support platform.  They have made some changes to the QRM Kill Kits, as well as planning a national training roll-out.  These are major undertaking, and the team needs your help.

You can read more about this story here.

The QRM Guru team are especially interested in hearing from clubs who may be able to assist.  Please contact the team if you have questions, comments or can help.  

Would you club like a Zoom presentation on QRM Guru - last Sunday the team presented to a club in the USA...  it's great to see interest and support from across the Pacific.  Just  send them an email and they'll get in touch.

In the meantime, the QRM Guru team thank everyone who has contributed to QRM Guru’s success. 

Their email address is

and check out if you haven’t already.

QTC Out Next Month

The Winter edition of QTC is out next month.  It’s Australia’s only digital e-magazine and its free.  More news to follow....

or the e-magazine format here

News for AMC Assessors

Just in from AMC!

Online exams update
e are currently trialling our marine and amateur on-line exam system with a view to implementation in the fourth quarter of this year. Initial trial reports are very promising. More updates as they come to hand.

Assessor re-registration
We have now completed our assessor re registration process. Many thanks to you all for your continued commitment to amateur radio education in Australia.

Examination paper security
We recently became aware that a candidate may have been given a copy of examination questions prior to an exam. Assessors are reminded that exam papers must remain confidential for obvious reasons.

Exam numbers
AMC processes around 100 exams per month on average. This number has remained constant over the last 12 months.

Online revision questions
The AMC AR Office is aware organisations have online revision questions for use when preparing for Foundation amateur radio examinations. It should be noted that these revision questions are not in any way endorsed by the AMC AR Office.

In other news from AMC, we have a new syllabus for the Advanced qualification.  For clarity, the syllabus is set by the ACMA.  AMC will bring these changes into effect on 15 August 2022.

The syllabus is CEPT compliant, which means that the current arrangements for VK amateurs who wish to operate in Europe will continue. 

This means that question banks will change in August, and we understand that educators are progressively updating their learning materials.

We understand Regulations exams and Standard & FL syllabi will be updated in due course.  We have asked for more information from AMC and hope to have an update soon.

We've asked for an update about their plans to roll out online exams – and we hope to have more news to share with you in the very near future.

More new from QRM Guru

Last week Ian's incredibly popular and informative article, The truth about ferrites will pass 20,100 unique hits.

We received another tech email about noisy HDMI monitors.  QRM Guru replicated the problem in the lab and Ian was able to suppress the unwanted RFI entirely.  Read more here.

RASA DX Contest

And don’t forget the new RASA DX Contest.  An entirely different pace and ideal for those people who cant (or don’t want to) dedicate an entire weekend to contesting.

If you have any questions or feedback please send us an email.  We’ve received some really positive emails and messages about this contest…  so give it a go!


For now, we hope everyone is safe and healthy and maintaining responsible Covid-19 practices.  

As always, we welcome feedback and questions, so drop us an email.  If you'd like to provide feedback, send us an email...  don't berate us on Facebook.  ;-) 

73, Paul VK2APA, Bob VK6POP, Ian VK3BUF, Phil VK3VB and Chris VK3QB.
Update: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
14/01/2022 rasaorg

Under certain circumstances, exemption(s) may be granted from one or more subjects in an amateur operator examination if a person holds equivalent, or higher, qualifications covering the appropriate portion of the relevant amateur syllabus.”

Historically, RPL was a pathway for individuals with suitable qualifications (such as a university qualification), or foreign nationals immigrating to Australia to obtain a credit for the Australian theory exam.

A little over two years ago a small group of Australian hams started using and actively promoting the RPL system as a pathway to an Australian callsign without sitting Australian exams.  It is a controversial process and many believed it undermined the integrity of the Australian examination system. 

This loophole allowed Australian citizens to use a foreign licencing system (the USA VE system) to obtain an Australian callsign.  Whilst the legalities of the matter are complex, the ethics are questionable. 

We note that in recent months AMC and ACMA have made some changes to the RPL process.

RPL fees are now $198 and RPL candidates may be required to complete an oral interview prior to approval of their foreign qualification.  We assume this change is to validate the candidate’s underlying knowledge of the Australian syllabus. 

From the AMC website:

Before arriving at a final decision, the appointed assessor may require the applicant to undergo an oral interview on all aspects of amateur radio theory, regulations and practical as part of the process of arriving at a formal determination

RASA believe this is a positive change in policy to protect the integrity of the Australian Licencing system.

As part of the RPL process, the candidate must also sit (and pay for) an Australian regulations exam (if they have not already completed the exam).

In conclusion: Prospective Australian amateurs should use the Australian examination system.  The Australian system is cheaper and much more streamlined than the convoluted and questionable VE arrangements.
ACMA clarifies rules for 2×1 callsigns – no AX prefix
15/01/2022 rasaorg

The WIA are sponsoring a contest to be held on 26 January, and there has been much confusion and debate over the use of 2x1 callsigns with the AX prefix.  AMC policies are quite clear – AX can not be used with 2x1 callsign; but some amateurs felt they knew better…

RASA wrote to ACMA seeking clarification and received confirmation on Monday 10th January that 2x1 cannot be used with the AX prefix, quote:

We have clarified with the WIA that the AMC rules for 2x1 callsigns do not permit the substitution of AX when using a 2x1 callsign, and that the ACMA Amateur LCD only permits the use of AX (on one of the three nominated days) in relation to the callsign that’s on the licence. We have also clarified that it is the responsibility of organisers of radio contests to design and monitor rules of their contests.

Patrick Emery
Licence Allocation Section
Australian Communications and Media Authority

The following day (11 January) AMC sent a confirmation email to all 2x1 contest callsign holders.

"Dear 2×1 Contest Callsign Holder,

Please be advised the ACMA have confirmed that the rules for 2×1 callsigns do not permit the use of the AX prefix when using a 2×1 callsign.

Kind regards,
AMC Amateur Radio Office Team
Australian Maritime College | University of Tasmania
We trust this clarifies the matter for all contesters...  and...  good luck in the contest!

Ongoing Announcements

The Radio Amateur Society of Australia is a Nationally Registered Body (626 025 714) and is a not-for-profit Association.   Our purpose is to promote the hobby of Amateur Radio, preserve and enhance operator privileges and to facilitate emerging communications technologies.

We focus on local news items and real world practical initiatives to improve the hobby here in VK.
If you wish to join, or subscribe to this bulletin, send an email to

QTC Out now

Click here to grab your free copy.

Does your club deliver courses?  Contact us for these free resources.

Amateur Radio Welcome Packs...  to read more or order these free packs follow this link.


Do you need ferrites or a DF Loop antenna to help in killing your local QRM? 

We have a new PayPal shop which makes ordering the Ferrite Kill kits and DF Loops even easier.  


​Welcome to Amateur Radio

​And a reminder for those who are yet to download our free guidebook for newcomers to the hobby.  It’s now been downloaded over 1,000 times.   

Grab your free copy here and please pass the link on to any newcomers. 

Of course, we welcome your feedback.  Being an e-book, we can publish updates easily.

Why Join RASA?

RASA is the premier representative body for Australian Amateur Radio.  We are focused solely on improving our hobby.  We conduct evidence based research to lobby the Regulator for better privileges.  We provide information to help Amateurs better understand the regulatory environment and we listen to your views.  We promote new and emerging technologies and encourage Amateurs to become more active.

We also address issues that impact the majority of amateurs in Australia.  Our major project in 2019 was a free online resource to help amateurs deal with QRM.  Head over to QRM guru to see more.

In 2020 we focused on helping newcomers to the hobby - starting with our guide book for newcomers, Welcome to Amateur Radio.  And now we have a true e-magazine, QTC.

​In 2021 we'll be more focused on helping to grow the hobby and addressing regulatory matters with ACMA.

Help us by joining today and/or making a donation.  It's only $10 per year.

This article is an update on what we have achieved so far, what we are working on and what we hope to achieve in the future:
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