Anacortes Middle School PTSA Donations

We couldn't do what we do for Anacortes Middle School without your generous support! Every donation helps, and every child at Anacortes Middle School benefits!  It costs almost $25,000 to run all of our programs and support AMS with their needs each year.  

Here are some ways that your PTSA dollars supports AMS:
Funding assistance for school day enrichment programs: Garden to Kitchen, Art, Choir, and Band
Teacher Grants-reimburses teachers for classroom supplies
Funding for Camp Orkila & 8th Grade Moving Up events 
​Funding for building needs as identified
Staff Appreciation Events
Concessions for ASB events
Parent/student educational programs
Monthly Student Birthday treats
Cookie Fridays
and More....

Remember, our PTSA is a 501c(3) and your donation may be tax-deductible. Also, don't forget to have your company match your donation! Company matches are key to reaching our total fundraising goal.

Together we can make an impact in our school! Thank you for your generosity!

Anacortes Middle School Parent Teacher & Student Association is a nonprofit 501 c (3) corporation and our Tax Id number is 91-1852782.


Raised so far of $5,000.00 goal


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